Manoeuvring back into relationship mode

If you've recently got into a relationship after being single for a while and are now super confused as to how you should be behaving, then this is something you'll want to read!When you're single it's simple, the only thing you need to be worried about is me, myself & I.You don't have anyone else's feeling to take into consideration, you don't need to remember to check in with someone throughout the day even when you feel like work may just make your stress levels blow up.The easiest part of dating someone realistically is the no expectations zone, where you're like 1-3 dates in and as of yet, neither of you expect anything from the other person. Neither of you get offended when you don't get a good morning or goodnight text/call, neither party expect time from the other and everything is smooth sailing.But you've got past date 1-3 and now you're 'officially' seeing this new person, and here comes the time when you both have to navigate through the war zone of both of your expectations - here's the thing though, relationships aren't supposed to be easy, this is why we have to make sure we're ready before getting into one.So what are some key things to remember for our newly coupled up people who have no idea how they should be behaving now that they have someone else to consider in their life:

  1. Communicate your expectations clearly, if you want more than one message a day from them, tell them.

  2. Just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean that person has to spend every second of their free time with you, if they need some down time to themselves or with their friends this needs to be respected.

  3. You can't expect to be treated like their top priority as soon as you get together, you should feel important, but also their family and career should come above you (sorry to burst your bubble) but these are two aspects that are constants in their life and right now, you may not be!

  4. Remember a new relationship needs some nurturing time, just because the two of you are now together doesn't mean you can take your foot off of the effort pedal, remember good relationships are created from consistency.

  5. It's ok to ask your new partner what he/she needs from you, we're all different and we all need different things from our partners, so asking what they need instead of guessing could save a lot of unnecessary heated discussions.

  6. Disagreements are normal, it's ok if the two of you don't agree on everything.

  7. Relationships are like plants, if you care for them in the way they need to be cared for, you'll get a lot back from them, but if you forget to give them any time or effort, there's a risk they could die out before you even get to see how beautiful they can be.


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