First Date Dont's

The dating scene can be a complicated path to navigate! So we've put together a list of things to avoid to help you make your first dates have the opportunity to be more successful.

  1. Stay off your phone. Consistently checking your phone is a no go, it will make the other person feel as though you don't want to be there.

  2. If you're in a bar or a restaurant don't be rude to staff, how you treat others will say a lot about you as a person and your date will notice this!

  3. Don't be late. We know fashionably late can sometimes be a thing, but making someone wait around for you can come across as rude.

  4. If you keep checking out your own reflection this will make you seem self obsessed. So try and veer away from constantly checking yourself out.

  5. DO NOT ... talk about your ex. This will come across as an immediate red flag to the person you're out with if you're either talking badly about someone from your past or just constantly wanting to relive it!

  6. Don't come on too strong. Play it cool, you might fancy them but there's nothing less attractive than someone outwardly proposing a hook up or being too hands on.

  7. For the women especially - don't shy away from offering to pay for your half of the bill, if you're a strong independent woman, you should have no issue in at least offering to pay for your side of the bill.

  8. Don't constantly talk about yourself. Try some active listening, ask questions and seem genuinely interested in your date.

  9. Steer away from 'one upping' in conversations. If they're telling a story don't immediately think of examples where you can do a 'oh me too, but I done it like this' kind of comment.

  10. Don't turn up looking sloppy, effort is attractive and when we can see someone has put in effort with their appearance for a first date it shows that they're genuinely trying to impress.


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