Finding your social confidence after being stuck in lockdown

After being in lockdown for so long, we cannot wait to get back into normal life. But, what is that exactly? It once was a time where daily life consisted of simple plans. Sporadic and spontaneous. Now-a-days, there's a checklist of demands we need to meet before we can leave the house. Where here to help you find your confidence in any post lockdown, social situation. You’re probably feeling a bit nervous about meeting up with potential partners again. You know, in real life. But navigating the dating landscape is a lot less scary when you feel confident and now's the time to boost your social life.Public confidence - A strong sense of self-confidence makes you stand up taller, speak clearer, and exude attractive energy. People relax around you because they know you’re comfortable in yourself, and able to handle whatever happens around you. Those within your personal network can feel their own stress levels melt away because yours is infectious. So we’ve rounded up our top three tips to help you get socially confident for exiting this Covid 19 pandemic lockdown and re-entering the dating scene. Let’s take a look.

Ditch the activewear

Let’s be honest, while trackies are extremely comfy, they’re not very flattering. While we’ve all enjoyed sitting at our desk in our favourite hoodie, trackies and slippers - it’s best to leave them at home when re-entering the world of face-to-face, real life dating.It’s possible to upgrade your look and still be comfortable. Putting a little extra effort into planning your outfit doesn’t need to be an hour-long saga either. Choosing classic pieces is always a must.Fellas, I can’t tell you how well a simple black-T and jeans goes. Remember that this is a date, throw over a nice jacket and for god sakes, leave your runners at home! Ladies, know that you are beautiful. Find your confidence in simple pieces that highlight your best features, beautiful accessories and some self love. If you need a little confidence boost, Mirabela Executive Dating haspersonal stylists on board to give your wardrobe a little facelift. You deserve to feel amazing.With some thought, you can take their first impression of you from “Mmm, they scrub up okay” to ‘Woah, baby!”Also, the simple task of getting dressed for the day has a huge psychological impact on our mental health.

Know the rules of engagement

Almost all aspects of life have been affected in some way.Meeting people in 3D is one of them. No doubt we're feeling a little awkward when you’ve acclimatised to staring at heads on a screen. It also comes with some new rules. Pro dating tip: Social distancing may be a thing of the past, but before your date begins, check the venue’s Covid policies to ensure you’re prepared. No one likes an uncomfortable surprise when you’re trying to be flirty and fabulous. Health authorities also recommend avoiding physical touching and kissing while dating.... Pause for effect. I don’t know about you, but when I’m on a date with someone great, I can’t help myself. My ‘love language’, being physical touch and all. So, I wonder - is there anyone else here who got a little cheeky during lockdown?  

Give yourself a little love

Nothing undermines your dating confidence like walking into a cafe and remembering you forgot to apply deodorant and/or perfume. Which makes sense considering you haven’t bothered for months...Sure, your date mightn’t notice. But you’llknow and find yourself too busy worrying about it to give them the attention they deserve. So we recommend keeping a can or bottle in your car or handbag just in case.In general, now is the perfect time to do a little self-pampering. Get that haircut you’ve been putting off. Buy a new fragrance to spritz over your outfit. Moisturise your hands so they’re ready for holding and touching another human.Caring for yourself prior to dates helps you keep calm and composed, even when those first date nerves pop up. Plus, you’ll make a great impression! If you’re feeling a bit anxious about dating right now, you’re probably coming up with the worst possible outcomes. But things are likely to go much smoother than expected. The quickest way to feel comfortable is to throw yourself out there again and meet people!If you’d like a little help finding the right connection,reach out to us today to begin your dating journey. Mirabela Executive Dating. 


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