7 Surprising Facts About Matchmaking

7 Surprising Facts About Matchmaking with Mirabela Executive Bespoke Consultancy

Take a peek into the world of a matchmaker. Considering working with a matchmaker? We’ve found there are many misconceptions about what matchmaking is and how professional dating services work. So we’ve rounded up the 7 surprising facts about matchmaking and important factors to make it all a positive experience for you.

1. Support and preparation are key

One of the biggest fears people have about first dates is being misunderstood. Because when you’re nervous or excited, it’s easy to say things you normally wouldn’t. Or choose an outfit you think will impress your date, but mightn’t reflect your personality.At Mirabela Executive Dating, our dating service dedicates the time to put you into a confident and relaxed headspace. We’ll also assist you in sourcing the perfect outfit to show up as your best self. Like any goal, preparation is the key to success. That’s why we support you through every step of your journey.

2. Honesty matters

We take pride in our reputation as an executive dating agency. Along with helping singles find the love of their life, we’re known for our honest and reliable service.So we have to be a little blunt here - we won’t sugarcoat your behaviour.Leaving out relevant details or telling your potential partner you’re something you’re not only leads to heartbreak for both of you.To avoid this, we’ll provide the honest feedback you need to hear about your dating behaviour.Understanding why you’ve struggled in relationships in the past and making positive changes is the first step toward finding love. We all have parts of ourselves that need a little work. We’ll help you uncover and face up to them, so you can become the finest version of you!

3. It’s not a numbers game

You can’t play the dating scene like a game - hoping that certain ‘moves’ will work in your favour. Going out on date after date, thinking it’s a game of elimination until you find the one, is the wrong approach.Finding love takes time and we’re in the business of quality, not quantity. Don’t expect to meet the one in two months. If we don’t find a match for you straightaway, we’ll keep looking - rather than setting you up with someone who’s “good enough”.Dating many unsuited matches leads you to become jaded, wary, and sometimes burnt out. We want you to be feeling energised and excited about your first date so you’ll show up radiating enthusiasm. Waiting takes patience, but it’s worth it 

4. Vetting is vital

Vetting is the process of looking at the singles available, working through their background, who they are now, and the lifestyle they lead.It might sound like a whole lot of scrolling while relaxing on a beach with a cup of coffee. But there’s actually an in-depth process that we follow for all potential clients. The vetting process includes:

  • presenting three forms of identification

  • face-to-face meetings with the matchmaker (so we know the person is real and we see their authentic, unedited personality)

  • an extensive profiling system to ensure that the person is ready to date mentally and emotionally

Once we’ve got a complete profile on a new client, we’re ready to find them a perfect match.

5. Invest in personal development

We accept you as you are. You shouldn’t exaggerate about yourself when setting up a profile on a professional dating site. However, we believe that growth is important for everyone. So we recommend valuable coaching to help prepare you for your next step in the dating scene.A coach’s role is to help you overcome any obstacles that keep you from reaching your potential. Whether that’s in business, sport, art, life…or love.

6. Value high standards

You’ve created a successful life and you’re looking for someone who understands what that takes. A person with drive and a taste for the finer things in life.We ensure that all of our members have the same standard in their lives. As an elite dating agency, we’re focused on hard-working businessmen and women of a certain calibre, like you!

7. Beyond business hours

Because we’re so committed to finding you that right person, we work beyond the standard 9-5. We attend networking events, chat with people at restaurants, and meet with clients when they need us.Teaming up with a matchmaker not only improves your chances of finding that special person. It also provides you the support you’ve been longing for. We understand the emotional ride you’re on and here to offer all the support you need to find a long-lasting relationship.

The 7 Surprising Facts About Matchmaking and why this may be the way to find love in Sydney.


 Talk with a matchmaker today! Contact us for a consultation. 


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